(News Terupdate) - It’s interesting how many different “truths” apparently exist, including one described as “God’s truthful view”!
The bottom line is that Bank Century did indeed need to be bailed out because of the substantial state-owned enterprises funds it was illegally holding, along with other funds from influential people who used Century as a conduit to election campaigns.
We need to look at these activities as much as the bailout.
Les Pattison
I am a former bomber pilot who had a crew of a navigator and a tail gunner. They didn’t need my permission to decide to take action to save the mission.
So it was with those who decided to bail out Bank Century. It was their responsibility to save the nation and, especially in an emergency situation, they didn’t need the permission of their superior to act.
The pros and cons are two
sides of a coin: Resistance and
acceptance. Anyhow, I do not agree with the House of Representative’s decision that the bailout was
E Nurdin
I hope nothing will happen to Pak Boediono and Ibu Sri Mulyani. There’s no evidence that they have committed corruption.
What happened in the House plenary session was an indication of the tyranny of the “majority”, by a bunch of power-hungry and incompetent politicians.
In fact, what they could produce was only a “political truth”. They just wanted to humiliate these two reform figures, as if they had committed a serious crime.
I think the only mistake Pak Boediono and Ibu Sri Mulyani make is that they stick to their idealism and do not make any compromises. But I believe the Indonesian people are not stupid; they know this is only a political game.
Zainal Abidin
Pematangsiantar, North Sumatra
The Golkar Party, the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) and the United Development Party (PPP) are pursuing their own political agenda instead of prioritizing the coalition government for the sake of the country. If they couldn’t make sacrifices for the sake of the nation, then the coalition is indeed useless. In fact, more trouble lies ahead!
The House of Representatives should fight for the people not for their political agenda. What an utter waste of time and money, while our people need them so badly. The Bank Century bailout was a government policy not a corruption case. We need you there for the people!
Moeljono Adikoesoemo
I have never believed in politicians. I didn’t vote for any of them. Just like late former president Abdurrahman “Gus Dur” Wahid said, they’re like kindergarten kids. Thanks for wasting our money.
Ahmad Fauzi
Cirebon, West Java
There must have been well-estimated risks to spend such a huge amount of money to bail out Bank Century. Whose money is it? It’s ours, of course!
The House of Representatives should have represented us, Indonesians, to do the right thing for this nation, instead it showed their being opportunists and their mischievous behavior — talking and joking — during the “intriguing reality show” live on national TV.
What a good reference for circus clowns!
D. Tinjung Rumastuti
Kediri, East Java
I think the House of Representative’s decision on the Bank Century bailout was justified because it has decided to take legal measures against those who are responsible for the policy.
But we should appreciate those who, in times of crisis, have shown outstanding service to save our national economy.
Pangkal Pinang, Bangka Belitung
They are not members of a House of Representatives. They are members of a House of Conspiracy. What a shame for our country.
Bogor, West Java
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