Monday, December 20, 2010

100 Percent Rise on The Number of HIV/AIDS Sufferers

Kupang, Indonesia (News Today) - The number of HIV/AIDS sufferers in East Nusatenggara (NTT) in 2010 (up to November) is recorded at 1,129 or up almost 100 percent from 646 in 2009, a local family planning official said. Some 21 percent of the number of cases in 2010 consisted of housewives, Markus Alibrandi, executive director of the East Nusatenggara branch of the Indonesian Family Planning Community (PKBI), said here Friday.

He said the deadly disease was now attacking people of all walks of life, including housewives, and therefore it was everybody’s duty to remain alert to the risk of contracting it and participate in efforts to curb its spread.

Giving a breakdown of the number of sufferers according to their professions, he said 14 percent were farmers, 12 percent private sector employees, 9 percent commercial sex workers, 6 percent unemployed people, five percent public transport drivers, three percent ojek (motorcycle taxi) drivers, two percent police and servicemen, one percent sailors.

Source : kompas

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