Friday, January 22, 2010

Dozens of Candidates Nurses Reject Demo Movie 'Suster Keramas'

Makassar - Dozens of nursing students in South Sulawesi refused demo movie 'Sister shampoo'. They considered, the film starring Japanese artist Sakuragi Rin was harassing the nurse or nursing profession.

The candidates went to the nurse's office berunjukrasa Indonesian Broadcasting Commission Regional (KPID) Governor's office complex in South Sulawesi, Makassar, Jumat (22/1/2010). The demonstrators joined in Nursing Students Association (HMK) of South Sulawesi asked KPID stop running the movie "Sister shampoo" in the cinema in Mall Cinema 21 and Panakukang Ratu Indah Mall, Makassar.

Action coordinator, Irwan, the film 'Sister shampoo' is not worth showing. Because the film lowers the values of the professional nurse or nurse.

"We asked the parties Maxima Production immediately apologized to the nursing profession and the agency pulled his film from the market. For destroying the movie's good name noble profession Sisters," Irwan said in his oration.

Not only that, continued Irwan, this film is also corrupting the morals of Indonesian society. Therefore spare HMK Film Censorship Institution movie pass.

Before coming KPID office, the students had held a sympathy action under the flyover Urip Sumoharjo, Makassar. This action running order and not cause congestion of traffic flow means.

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