Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Indonesia's LNG Exports to Japan Won't be Affected by Quake

There is nothing left: A woman surveys the ravaged town of Minami Sanriku

(News Today) - Indonesia's exports of liquefied natural gas to Japan won't be affected by the earthquake that devastated northeastern Japan Friday, Energy & Mineral Resources Darwin Zahedy Saleh told reporters Monday.

Saleh added that gas-fueled power plants in the quake- and tsunami-hit area weren't affected.

Most of Indonesia’s LNG exports to Japan were sent to companies located in Japan’s west coast, which was not affected by the natural disasters, Gde Pradnyana, a spokesman of the Upstream Oil and Gas Supervisory Agency (BP Migas), said here Monday.

"And the LNG exports to Japan’s eastern coastal area is also not affected because the terminals are located in a gulf protected from the tsunami disaster," he said.

Indonesia in average exports 370 cargoes annually. Some 148 cargoes are sent to supply buyers in Japan’s western coast, and two cargoes to the eastern coast.

BP Migas is currently trying to auction around 20 cargoes, which are part of 60 cargoes of production surplus from Bontan Refinery. The 40 cargoes have been sold to Korea Gas (Kogas), South Korea.

The oil production of Petrochina in Sorong, Papua, is not affected by a tail of Japan’s tsunami, which damaged around 40 houses in Papua.

Source : kompas

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