Sunday, June 6, 2010

Minister in gay prostitution scandal to make 'groundbreaking' announcement

(News Today) - Ted Haggard, the megachurch pastor and former National Association of Evangelicals chief whose career was undone by a gay prostitution and drugs scandal in 2006, is expected to talk about the next step in his career Wednesday.

With his family by his side at his Colorado Springs home, Haggard is expected to a make "surprise groundbreaking" announcement, according to a news statement Tuesday.

In 2006, Haggard admitted he had received a massage from a Denver, Colorado, man who claimed the prominent pastor had paid him for sex over three years. Haggard also admitted he had bought methamphetamine but that he threw it away.

After the allegations were made public, Haggard resigned as president of the influential National Association of Evangelicals, an umbrella group representing more than 45,000 churches with 30 million members.

He also stepped aside as pastor of the 14,000-member New Life Church, which he started from his basement.

The church's independent investigative board said he was guilty of "sexually immoral conduct."

Source : CNN

1 komentar:

would the real ted haggard

am i the sum of all mad thoughts and more
a sinner who lets satan keep his score
must i be as what occupies my mind
or am i more a choice of my own kind

with thoughts of stealing am i now a thief
so made by God i must accept my role
or have i choce in my Christian belief
to turn from theft to reach a higher goal

likewise with sex and drugs when they're the lure
to lead me to a wild and pleasured field
just who am i and what can be my cure
have i free will to use Christ as my shield

though we all sin we're not consigned to style
what righteousness can overcome ted's guile

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