Sunday, May 16, 2010

Betty White's next gig: Hosting the Oscars?

(News Today) - Is Betty White the new Neil Patrick Harris?

Not content with her stellar performance on last weekend's "Saturday Night Live," fans have launched a new Facebook campaign to place White at the podium come next year's Oscar night.

As of Wednesday morning, more than 9,200 members have jumped on the "Betty White to Host the Oscars" bandwagon. (Nearly 12,000 members, if one counts all the Betty White Oscar Host Facebook pages so far.)

White, 88, landed the"SNL" hosting gig after a fervent Facebook campaign by her legion of fans. Given her popularity and good reviews for last Saturday's performance -- not to mention the fact she helped deliver the 35-year-old NBC show's best ratings in 18 months -- this new crusade might attract even larger numbers.

Should the Motion Picture Academy not bite, a secondary, somewhat less vocal (for now) Facebook campaign is also underway, for White to host the primetime TV Emmys.

Either way, White has not yet indicated whether she'd be game to host the Oscars, though she did joke in advance promos for her "SNL" appearance that her fans should start blogging.

The 2011 Academy Awards are slated to be held Feb. 27, one week earlier than this year's ceremony, which was co-hosted by youngsters Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin.

Carol Burnett for "SNL?"

Meanwhile, another Facebook campaign is blossoming for still another favorite from TV's golden past -- Carol Burnett. Fans are pressing "SNL" producer Lorne Michaels to let the popular redhead, 77, host the show. As of Wednesday morning, that army was more than 50,000-strong.

"Icing on the cake would be a cameo appearance by TIM CONWAY!" posts one admirer.

But as the killjoy "New York Times" points out, Burnett should be in no rush. This coming weekend will bring the "SNL" season finale, to be hosted by Baldwin.

Source : CNN

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