Thursday, April 15, 2010

Jim Carrey: I'm not having a breakdown

(News Terupdate) - Jim Carrey's relationship with Jenny McCarthy isn't the only thing that's in the past. So too, he says, is a part of himself he's happy to shed.

"I have freed Truman at long last!," Carrey wrote in an explosion of post-breakup Tweets, referring to his alter-ego from The Truman Show whose entire life was surreptitiously filmed for a reality show.

"I am grateful for my avatar's many yrs of dedicated service, but no one has ever won the Tour De France while back peddling. ... so I killed him," he wrote late Sunday night. "I do not plan 2 bow to expectations or to be confined by the fear of losing altitude in the 'statusphere'! (my word)."

It has freed him to comment on such delicate matters as the Tiger Woods scandal and make a passing reference to Sandra Bullock's marital crisis.

Acknowledging that "some folks out there are worried that I stay up too late," he insists, "This is no breakdown! It's a breakthrough! And if you'll just loosen these straps, I'll show you the difference!"

Source : CNN

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