Friday, January 22, 2010

North Sumatra Police Form 2 Team Members Buru gunner Brimob

Medan - Regional Police (Polda) North Sumatra (North Sumatra) to form two units to hunt down perpetrators of the team members shooting Brigade Mobil (Police Mobile Brigade) Region North Sumatra, Bripda Robert Simamora. So far both teams are still hunting for the perpetrators.

Police Public Relations Head of North Sumatra Police Baharudin Kombes Djafar states, by far the characteristics of the hunted perpetrators are still based on the testimony of victims are still hospitalized.

"According to the victim, the perpetrator at the time wearing a head covering or hat, and came on a motorbike with one other person waiting on the bike," said Baharudin Djafar told reporters on Friday (22/1/2010) in North Sumatera Regional Police Mobile Brigade Headquarters , Jl. Wahid Hasyim, Medan.

With regard to the shooting victim's happening in the Mobile Brigade headquarters environment, Baharuddin explained the shooting took place in front of the Postal Service and Complaints Brimobda North Sumatra, not in front of the checkpoint.

"Postal services are designed to be a humanist, the function receives the reports directly. Because their function in direct contact with the community, so different from the guarded checkpoints armed members," said Baharuddin.

As reported, Robert Simamora shot Bripda strangers, Thursday (21/1/2010) at around 04.15 pm. Perpetrators who use short barrel weapons, gunman fled after the victim's abdomen. Currently victims still being treated at Hospital Gleni International Jl. Electricity, Medan.

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