Friday, January 22, 2010

Mahfud MD: Bogor meeting Anticipation Not for Impeachment

Jakarta - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono meeting with the leaders of state high institutions in Bogor are not intended to anticipate the consolidation of impeachment or impeachment of the president in case of Century Bank bailout. Meeting only to communicate to build synergy between the high state institutions.

"There is no anticipation about impeachment," said Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) Mahfud MD AFP when contacted on Friday (22/1/2010).

Mahfud who attended the meeting did not argue if the meeting discussed the question of impeachment, but the conversation was limited to discussion in the corridor set by the 1945 Constitution.

"As far as impeachment, we are only talking the measures contained in the constitution," lid Mahfud.

SBY have a meeting with the leadership of higher institutions in the country on Thursday Bogor Palace yesterday. Attending the meeting were Chairman of the Supreme Harifin Tumpa, Chairman of the Judicial Commission Busyro M Muqoddas, Chairman of the House Marzuki Alie, Taufiq Kiemas MPR Chairman, Chairman of DPD Irman Gusman, CPC Chairman Hadi Purnomo, Vice President Boediono, and some of United Indonesia Cabinet ministers II.

After the meeting had said that the SBY government officials and state agencies agreed synergize each other, complement each other, control each other, there is no abuse of power is not in accordance with the distribution of authority, and the distribution of authority set forth in the Constitution or the constitution.

President SBY is denied if the meeting specifically to discuss the case of Century. "This meeting was not designed with specific issues such as the Century case. We discuss the fundamental issues of state life," said SBY.

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